

The Blockchain-> Validators page lists statistics on the validators.

The chart at the top of the page shows the top 12 validators and their historical ranking for NOM/24hr/kTAO (This is the daily return for 1000 TAO on root.)


The validator table lists every validator, and some stats on the TAO staked to each validator:

  • Name: The name of the Validator
  • Dominance: Describing alpha and tao stakes as compared to other validators. Adds to 1.
  • τ Rank: Rank across all validators for root stake.
  • α Rank: Rank across all validators for amount of alpha held
  • Noms The number of nominators - both alpha and root. Note: One wallet staking alpha on 30 subnets counts as 30 nominators.
  • 24hr: This is the change in nominators in the last 24 hours.
  • Active: The number of subnets where the validator has a parent or child validator running.
  • Total Weight: A weighted alpha value. Tao staked on root is counted at 18% of alpha.
  • Root Stake: The amount of tao staked on root.
  • Alpha Stake The amount of alpha staked across all subnets, converted into tao.