Taostats: For Miners

If you are thinking about mining on Bittensor - or you want to improve your mining nodes, Taostats has a wealth of information to help you get started.


The current views in Taostats are designed for validators. Miner specific views are coming soon.

Tl;dr: The rank column in the metagraph has nothing to do with your miner. (It is for validators.). Sort by emission or trust for a better view of your miner ranking.

Reading the metagraph: for miners

Each subnet publishes a Metagraph - a giant table of data about each node. See Subnet Metagraph table for details on how to best sort the metagraph, and how to read the data.

The columns most relevant to miners are trust, incentive and emission.

  • Trust: Scored by validators on how "trustworthy" your results are. What this means varies form Subnet to Sunbet.
  • Incentive: The percentage of miner tao awarded to each validator. The sum of this column is 1.
  • Emission: This is the tao awarded each epoch.

Registering a node

To mine, you need to know how competitive a subnet is, how much it costs to register a node on the subnet, and how the subnet distributes emissions to miners. Rregister a node using the Command Line Tool"

btcli subnet register

Subnet emissions

Each subnet is granted a percentage of the blockchain emission. High-emission subnets are more profitable, but also more competitive. Miners receive 41% of the emission for the subnet.

Miner Incentive distribution

Subnets with higher emissions tend to be more competitive for miners, meaning that the risk of being deregistered is high. The competitiveness of a subnet can be seen on individual subnets distribution graphs. For example:

Snapshot of Subnet 13

Subnet with a wide distribution

Snapshot of subnet 19

subnet with a narrow distribution

In the first screenshot, there is a large distribution of emissions. In this subnet, a well-performing miner can keep above the threshold for de-registration.

In the second screenshot, the range for Active keys is very narrow (0.00401 - 0.00441). Any minor disruption to your miner may cause you to fall to the bottom of the emissions chart and be deregistered.

Node Registration cost

You can view the current registration cost at https://taostats.io/subnets/netuid-/#registration. Competitive subnets generally cost more to register a node than non-competitive nodes.

Immunity period

Each new node is granted immunity for a defined number of blocks. When you have immunity, you cannot be de-registered. The Node Registration page describes how to use the BTCLI to determine a subnet's immunity period.

Emission Distribution

Some subnets evenly distribute emissions to all miners based on the trust value calculated by Yuma Consensus, while others may limit emissions. For example, Subnet 6 currently only distributes emissions to the top x miners:

Subnet 6 miner emissions - showing only top 6-10 miners receive any significant emission.  (Feb. 5, 2024)

Subnet 6 miner emissions - showing only the top 6-10 miners receive any significant emission. (Feb. 5, 2024)

Learning to read the Subnet Metagraph table is a helpful step to better understand emission distribution.

See Tao Allocation for a mathematical description of how tao is allocated to miners.

Quickly accessing your Miner data

To quickly view all of your miners associated with a single cold key, you can use the following URL format

https://taostats.io/coldkey/?coldkey=<your coldkey>

The request will take a while to load, as it is querying every subnet for the coldkey. You will receive a list of all your nodes, organized by subnet.


The registration tab for each subnet lists the number of registrations in the last 24 hours. Assuming a full subnet - this is equal to the number of de-registrations.


The new miners will have immunity for a set period, so a large number of new registrations will push your miner closer to the bottom of the incentive list (by percentage). Each subnet has a different immunity period, which

If you know your miner's emission value, it is possible to mouse over the incentive chart to see where you stand:


Sort the metagraph by incentive (increasing) show 100 entries at a time.

If your miner appears here, you are in the bottom 100 miners (note that all the validators also appear in this list)

This view will also show miners with immunity, so depending on the competitiveness of the Subnet, miners on this view are very close to being de-registered.