
Taostats Home

The landing page of Taostats provides a a high level overview of several important aspects of the Bittensor network.

Tao Summary

Across the top of the homepage is a summary of the current trading state of the $TAO token.

  • Current price: in USD (and daily change)
  • Market cap: the value of all the τ currently in circulation.
  • 24h Volume: How much τ was traded in the last day.
  • Circulating Supply: τ that has been minted and can be traded.
  • Total Supply: In ~2045, the final τ will be created, and there will be 21M TAO in circulation.

Tao trading chart

This chart lists the historical price and trading volume of τ.

  • The price of τ is shown with an orange line.
  • The daily volume is a blue bar chart, where each bar is one day's trading (in millions of USD).

Chart controls:

  • Trading View: toggles on/off a trading view version of the chart
  • Plus and minus buttons: zoom in and zoom out.
  • Magnifying glass select the zoom region

You can also click and zoom with a mouse.

Subnets overview

This summary of subnet data shows the top 8 subnets based on emission:

  • Price: The price of the alpha token, in tao.
  • Market Cap: Price * circulating supply of alpha
  • Emission: percentage of tao that is emitted into the pool. Subnet Emissionis determined by the price of the token.
  • Last 7 days Price over the last 7 days.

Validator Overview

A summary of the top 8 validators (based on weighted stake).

  • Weight: root stake *18% + sum of all alpha stake (in tao)
  • Weight Change: delta over the last day.
  • Nominators: Sum of nominators across all subnets.
  • Root:Alpha: Breakdown of Weight into root & Alpha contributions.


A live view of all purchase activity with tao:


A live block explorer:


Live listing of staking transactions