Command Line Interface (CLI)
The Bittensor command line interface (CLI) allows programmatic access to the Bittensor ecosystem.
Installing the CLI
The CLI is part of the Bittensor package.
The most up-to-date instructions can be found in the Bittensor documentation.
Using the CLI
To get all of the latest commands from the CLI:
btcli --help
usage: btcli <command> <command args>
bittensor cli v6.6.0
positional arguments:
subnets (s, subnet)
Commands for managing and viewing subnetworks.
root (r, roots) Commands for managing and viewing the root network.
wallet (w, wallets)
Commands for managing and viewing wallets.
stake (st, stakes) Commands for staking and removing stake from hotkey accounts.
sudo (su, sudos) Commands for subnet management
legacy (l) Miscellaneous commands.
info (i) Instructions for enabling autocompletion for the CLI.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--print-completion {bash,zsh,tcsh}
Print shell tab completion script
subnets: Commands related to subnets
stake: Add and remove stake from hotkeys
wallet: Work with your Bittensor wallets
sudo: Set and query subnet parameters
root: Parameters for members of the root subnet
legacy: Deprecated
info: Instructions on autocompletion of CLI
Updated 4 months ago