
Taostats Staking App

The Taostats Staking App is part of the taostats dashboard.

Staking Dashboard

Once you have Connected your wallet: you will see a staking page:

Tao overview

Select how much tao you have set available to delegate. In this screenshot 27.47 tao is delegated of 31.13 total tao (88.58%)

Moving the slider to the left will reduce the amount of tao being staked. Moving to the right will add more tao to be staked.


Set the Max Slippage you are comfortable with having on any Stake event.


This screenshot is from testnet, so the validator name is "Unknown."

Moving the sliders will chnage the staking for all subnets. The Lock prevents a stake from changing.


In the screenshot the amount of stake from SN1 drops from 25 tao to 12 tao. The other subnet's stake grows proportionally. Note that SN19 has 1.55% slippage, which is over the Max Slippage value, and appears in red.