Calculating Nominator returns

Key Concepts

Bittensor Day

A "Bittensor day" consists of 7,200 blocks. While the actual time may fluctuate slightly, this measurement is used because hotkeys are drained every 7,201 blocks.

Non-Viable Stake

Stake added during a hotkey epoch is considered "non-viable" and ineligible for nominator rewards during that epoch. This prevents system abuse where nominators might add stake just before drainage to receive higher rewards.

Calculation Process

Required Measurements

stake_before_reward: Nominator's stake on the block before validator's hotkey drainage
non_viable_stake: Nominator's non-viable stake on the block before validator's hotkey drainage
stake_after_reward: Nominator's stake on the block of validator's hotkey drainage
Important: Verify no stake/unstake actions occurred on this block


viable_stake = stake_before_reward - non_viable_stake profit = stake_after_reward - stake_before_reward multiplier = 1000 / viable_stake nominator_return_per_1000_tao_per_day = profit * multiplier apr = nominator_return_per_1000_tao_per_day * 365


The Law of Big Numbers (AKA the Whale Effect)

Nominator returns can increase significantly when a whale (large stakeholder) joins a validator. This occurs because:

  1. Non-viable stake is still considered viable by subnets during their epochs
  2. Subnets continue to drain pending emissions to hotkeys
  3. When a whale stakes on a validator with little existing stake, their contribution generates rewards that are shared among:
    • The validator
    • Existing nominators

This creates an opportunity for smaller stakeholders ("prawns") to receive unexpectedly high returns if they're positioned on a validator that attracts a whale investor.

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