dTao FAQ
I am staked with [validator]. What happens when dTao goes live?
Your tao will remain staked to the validator you are staked with at the launch of dTao. It will be now called staked to your validator on root.
Do I need to do anything to my Stake?
You do not have to. Your staked balance will remain on the validator. It will be in the root subnet.
"I am staked on [validatorName]." becomes "I am staked on [validatorName] on root."
How is staking different?
Will my yield change if I am staked on root?
Initially, no. It ill look the same. But the root emission will begin to decrease as emission begins paying out in alpha as well.
See Emissions: Root vs. Alpha Stake for a chart and description.
Is staking on root safe?
Yes. While staking on root may have lower emissions, there is no token exchange. Your tao remains tao -and cannot be lost.
Will there be tools to help me manage my stake?
Yes. Watch this space.
Why stake on a subnet?
Staking on a subnet has the opportunity for higher rewards. However, tao is exchanged for Alpha Tokens, and this exchange leads to opportunities for greater gain, but also loss.
Updated 4 days ago