CLI: Stake
btcli st --help
Usage: btcli st [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
╭─ Options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --help Show this message and exit. │
╭─ Stake Management ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ add Stake TAO to one or more hotkeys associated with the user's coldkey. │
│ remove Unstake TAO from one or more hotkeys and transfer them back to the user's coldkey. │
│ show Lists all the stake accounts associated with a user's wallet. │
╭─ Child Hotkeys ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ child Child Hotkey commands, alias: `children` │
Made with ❤ by The Openτensor Foundaτion
Manage your stake
Stake TAO to a validator.
btcli st add
Enter the netuid to use. Leave blank for all netuids: 1
Enter the wallet name (rao):
Enter the wallet hotkey name or ss58 address to stake to (or Press Enter to view delegates):
Subnet 1: alpha
Network: test
# ┃ UID ┃ Stake (α) ┃ Alpha (α) ┃ Tao (τ) ┃ Dividends ┃ Incentive ┃ Emissions (α) ┃ Hotkey ┃ Coldkey ┃ Identity
1 │ 77 │ 23.34k α │ 23.12k α │ τ 220.35 │ 0.00490 │ 0.0098 │ 0.40196 α │ 5Grwva │ 5CwgoT │ (*Owner controlled)
2 │ 96 │ 23.34k α │ 23.12k α │ τ 220.35 │ 0.00490 │ 0.0098 │ 0.40196 α │ 5Grwva │ 5CwgoT │ (*Owner controlled)
3 │ 81 │ 76.45k α │ 68.15k α │ τ 8.30k │ 0.50000 │ 0.0000 │ 41.00023 α │ 5FCPTn │ 5D2d3Y │ ~
4 │ 78 │ 34.11k α │ 34.11k α │ τ 1.36 │ 0.00490 │ 0.0098 │ 0.40196 α │ 5FHneW │ 5CwgoT │ ~
5 │ 6 │ 9.15k α │ 9.00k α │ τ 151.01 │ 0.00490 │ 0.0098 │ 0.40196 α │ 5C86aJ │ 5GeYLB │ Owner10
6 │ 22 │ 2.26k α │ 452.40 α │ τ 1.80k │ 0.00490 │ 0.0098 │ 0.40196 α │ 5DHsdG │ 5Csxoe │ ~
7 │ 100 │ 844.39 α │ 844.39 α │ τ 0.00 │ 0.00490 │ 0.0098 │ 0.40196 α │ 5CtaFa │ 5H13H4 │ ~
8 │ 24 │ 750.34 α │ 750.31 α │ τ 0.03 │ 0.00490 │ 0.0098 │ 0.40196 α │ 5Dqbne │ 5EHVUN │ ~
9 │ 72 │ 702.69 α │ 700.69 α │ τ 2.00 │ 0.00490 │ 0.0098 │ 0.40196 α │ 5H6V38 │ 5FUcd4 │ ~
10 │ 1 │ 693.55 α │ 453.75 α │ τ 239.80 │ 0.00490 │ 0.0098 │ 0.40196 α │ 5ETsfk │ 5Ebtu6 │ ~
11 │ 5 │ 683.69 α │ 431.13 α │ τ 252.56 │ 0.00490 │ 0.0098 │ 0.40196 α │ 5DXqvJ │ 5CS1kB │ ~
12 │ 2 │ 662.54 α │ 431.13 α │ τ 231.41 │ 0.00490 │ 0.0098 │ 0.40196 α │ 5FFXcJ │ 5Hh8CT │ ~
│ │ 212.75k α │ 200.44k α │ 12.31k α │ 1.000 │ │ 82.0005 α │ │ │
Enter the number of the delegate you want to stake to (or press Enter to cancel) (): 3
Selected delegate: 5FCPTnjevGqAuTttetBy4a24Ej3pH9fiQ8fmvP1ZkrVsLUoT
Wallet Coldkey Balance
Network: test
Wallet Name Coldkey Address Free Balance Staked Balance Total Balance
rao 5FNqfWE5DvzHiUZqyep3Bt4M9c5W3TTwu1PwDdbehYn17AwZ τ 0.5000 τ 2.9861 τ 3.4861
Total Balance τ 0.5000 τ 2.9861 τ 3.4861
Amount to stake (TAO τ): 0.5
The CLI prompts you on slippage
Staking to:
Wallet: rao, Coldkey ss58: 5FNqfWE5DvzHiUZqyep3Bt4M9c5W3TTwu1PwDdbehYn17AwZ
Network: test
Netuid ┃ Hotkey ┃ Amount (τ) ┃ Rate (per τ) ┃ Received ┃ Slippage
1 │ 5FCPTnjevGqAuTttetBy4a24Ej3pH9fiQ8fmvP1ZkrVsLUoT │ τ 0.5000 │ 5.710095678705798 α/τ │ 2.8549 α │ 0.0037 %
│ │ │ │ │
The table displays information about the stake operation you are about to perform.
The columns are as follows:
- Netuid: The netuid of the subnet you are staking to.
- Hotkey: The ss58 address of the hotkey you are staking to.
- Amount: The TAO you are staking into this subnet onto this hotkey.
- Rate: The rate of exchange between your TAO and the subnet's stake.
- Received: The amount of stake you will receive on this subnet after slippage.
- Slippage: The slippage percentage of the stake operation. (0% if the subnet is not dynamic i.e. root).
Would you like to continue? [y/n]: y
Enter your password:
τ 0.5000 ➡ τ 0.0000
Subnet: 1 Stake:
189.4697 α ➡ 192.3218 α
btcli stake show
Enter the wallet name or coldkey ss58 address (rao):
Hotkey: 5FCPTnjevGqAuTttetBy4a24Ej3pH9fiQ8fmvP1ZkrVsLUoT
Network: test
See below for an explanation of the columns
┃ ┃ Value ┃ ┃ Price ┃ ┃ ┃ Emission
Netuid ┃ Name ┃ (α x τ/α) ┃ Stake (α) ┃ (τ_in/α_in) ┃ Swap (α -> τ) ┃ Registered ┃ (α/block)
0 │ τ tau │ τ 0.50 │ τ 0.50 │ 1.0000 τ/τ │ N/A (0.000%) │ YES │ τ 0.0000
1 │ α alpha │ τ 33.68 │ 192.32 α │ 0.1751 τ/α │ τ 33.60 (0.247%) │ YES │ 0.4141 α
19 │ t tau │ τ 0.64 │ 637.01 t │ 0.0010 τ/t │ τ 0.64 (0.434%) │ YES │ 0.8283 t
5 │ ε epsilon │ τ 0.62 │ 366.31 ε │ 0.0017 τ/ε │ τ 0.62 (0.256%) │ YES │ 0.8283 ε
4 │ │ τ 35.45 │ │ │ τ 35.36 │ │
Press Enter to continue to the next hotkey...
Hotkey: 5Gzx1P8s3Pq9jTpYFzsGpTCzhBpwUuT4sAX4Rhc78QuodsRz
Network: test
See below for an explanation of the columns
┃ ┃ Value ┃ ┃ Price ┃ ┃ ┃ Emission
Netuid ┃ Name ┃ (α x τ/α) ┃ Stake (α) ┃ (τ_in/α_in) ┃ Swap (α -> τ) ┃ Registered ┃ (α/block)
281 │ ऋ DogeTAO │ τ 10.55 │ 694.95 ऋ │ 0.0152 τ/ऋ │ τ 9.50 (9.998%) │ YES │ 0.7519 ऋ
1 │ │ τ 10.55 │ │ │ τ 9.50 │ │
Coldkey SS58: 5FNqfWE5DvzHiUZqyep3Bt4M9c5W3TTwu1PwDdbehYn17AwZ
Free Balance: τ 0.0000
Total TAO (τ): τ 16.96
Total Value (τ): τ 46.00
Enter your wallet name to display all of the hotkeys that have tao delegated to them. This will include all active validators and miners.
Remove stake from a hotkey.
btcli st remove
Enter the netuid to use. Leave blank for all netuids: 1
Enter the wallet name (rao):
Enter the hotkey name or ss58 address to unstake from (or Press Enter to view existing staked hotkeys):
Hotkeys with Stakes for Subnet 1
Index ┃ Identity ┃ Netuids ┃ Hotkey Address
0 │ ~ │ 1 │ 5FCPTnjevGqAuTttetBy4a24Ej3pH9fiQ8fmvP1ZkrVsLUoT
│ │ │
Enter the index of the hotkey you want to unstake from [0]: 0
Tip: Enter 'q' any time to skip further entries and process existing unstakes
Unstake all: 192.3218 α from ~ on netuid: 1? [y/n/q] (n): n
Enter amount to unstake in α from subnet: 1 (Max: 192.3218 α): .000001
Unstaking to:
Wallet: rao, Coldkey ss58: 5FNqfWE5DvzHiUZqyep3Bt4M9c5W3TTwu1PwDdbehYn17AwZ
Network: test
Netuid ┃ Hotkey ┃ Amount (α) ┃ Rate (τ/α) ┃ Received (τ) ┃ Slippage
1 │ ~ │ 0.0000 α │ 0.175136674(τ/α) │ τ 0.0000 │ 0.0000 %
│ │ │ │ τ 0.0000 │
The table displays information about the stake remove operation you are about to perform.
The columns are as follows:
- Netuid: The netuid of the subnet you are unstaking from.
- Hotkey: The ss58 address or identity of the hotkey you are unstaking from.
- Amount: The stake amount you are removing from this key.
- Rate: The rate of exchange between TAO and the subnet's stake.
- Received: The amount of free balance TAO you will receive on this subnet after slippage.
- Slippage: The slippage percentage of the unstake operation. (0% if the subnet is not dynamic i.e. root).
Updated 8 days ago