
CLI: Subnets

Commands around subnets in the Bittensor command line tool.

btcli s -h 
usage: btcli <command> <command args> subnets [-h] {list,metagraph,lock_cost,create,pow_register,register,hyperparameters} ...

positional arguments:
                        Commands for managing and viewing subnetworks.
    list                List all subnets on the network
    metagraph           View a subnet metagraph information.
    lock_cost           Return the lock cost to register a subnet
    create              Create a new bittensor subnetwork on this chain.
    pow_register        Register a wallet to a network using PoW.
    register            Register a wallet to a network.
    hyperparameters     View subnet hyperparameters



btcli subnets list
btcli s list

The subnet list command provides a high-level overview of the subnets:

  • N: Neurons in use
  • MAX_N: Total possible neuron count
  • Emission (percentage of emission allocated to each subnet
  • Tempo: Each subnet can set their own epoch length
  • Recycle: cost to register a neuron.
  • POW: No longer used
  • SUDO: Hotkey that registered the subnet.
btcli subnets list
                                                 Subnets - finney                                                 
 NETUID   N    MAX_N   EMISSION  TEMPO  RECYCLE        POW       SUDO                                             
   0      64   64.00    0.00%     100   τ1.00000  4611686.02 T   5C4hrfjw9DjXZTzV3MwzrrAr9P1MJhSrvWGWqi1eSuyUpnhM 
   1     1024  1.02 K   6.70%     99    τ0.27631  1000000.00 T   5Hpd1smgd8tjQYqZ7tuXBxiC85LYivtKwpYAmoXvpJiJghfu 
   2     256   256.00   1.95%     360   τ1.34627    100.00 T     5HeQuPVRSZVE3LWdKx9q6upyCi53TjQ4a2S8mnJ5emyWFf5b 
   3     256   256.00   2.09%     360   τ0.09555  1000000.00 T   5FNBJf6xruFpKNxi7SoQQdedXUpC5nneSMJdzP5pZNpq35iA 
   4     256   256.00   5.08%     360   τ1.22699    100.00 T     5CXGPMnq9RCCLUEvp9G2iUuabw69TSFM155UVS1S4Zmusaxv 
   5     256   256.00   0.00%     360   τ0.00000  1000000.00 T   5HiveMEoWPmQmBAb8v63bKPcFhgTGCmST1TVZNvPHSTKFLCv 
   6     209   256.00   3.70%     360   τ0.00000  18446744.07 T  5H6VnWCi8wDV5xfatGtAbjkqiCtGoet7euCQNJTVjkL4LQcM 


Retrieve the Metagraph of a subnet: btcli subnets metagraph. You'll then be prompted for the subnet that you wish to query. The output will be all the data for every node on the subnet. This is what the Taostats Home metagraph is built with.

btcli subnets metagraph
Enter netuid [0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/32] (0): 18
📡 Syncing with chain: finney ...
   Metagraph: net: finney:18, block: 2397787, N: 27/256, stake: τ5,164,685.825409024, issuance: τ7,092,985.980079588, difficulty: 18446744073709551615    
0      642754.68750  0.00000    0.00000    0.00000    0.00000    0.13381    1649700992   0.97478    *      689       1     5Hd…  5DCQ…
1      285578.53125  0.00000    0.00000    0.00000    0.00000    0.05753     709426816   0.97719    *       53       1  none                   5Dv…  5DkZ…
2           4.58063  0.00414    0.95227    0.00412    0.00414    0.00000      51148100   0.18521    *   164379       0  5Dk…  5E7A…

Obtain details on a particular subnet:

btcli subnets hyperparameters
Enter netuid [0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/32] (0): 18
   Subnet Hyperparameters - NETUID: 18 - finney   
 HYPERPARAMETER              VALUE                
   rho                       10                   
   kappa                     32767                
   immunity_period           5000                 
   min_allowed_weights       1                    
   max_weight_limit          65535                
   tempo                     360                  
   min_difficulty            18446744073709551615 
   max_difficulty            18446744073709551615 
   weights_version           0                    
   weights_rate_limit        100                  
   adjustment_interval       360                  
   activity_cutoff           5000                 
   registration_allowed      True                 
   target_regs_per_interval  2                    
   min_burn                  1000000000           
   max_burn                  100000000000         
   bonds_moving_avg          900000               
   max_regs_per_block        1                    
   serving_rate_limit        5                    
   max_validators            64                 
   adjustment_alpha          58000
   difficulty                18446744073709551615 

Subnet owners

Subnet Lock cost

This endpoint tells you the current cost in tao to register a Subnet:

>btcli subnets lock_cost
Subnet lock cost: τ165.847224408


Steps to create a new subnet.

Miners and Validators


Register a neuron on the subnet. Use this command to create a miner or validator on a subnet. Provide your wallet and hotkey to register.

btcli s register
Enter subtensor network [local/finney/test/archive] (finney): 
Enter netuid [0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30/31/32] (0): 18
Enter wallet name (default): 

Deprecated Commands

pow register