Dtao Glossary
There are a number of new terms that are being used in Dtao. Here is a glossary:
Each subnet has a token corresponding to it's symbol (alpha, beta, delta....). To generalise subnet tokens, they are referred to as alpha.
Alpha in (aka Alpha pool, Alpha Reserve)
The amount of alpha that is present in the liquidity pool.
Alpha out (aka Alpha outstanding, alpha staked)
The amount of alpha that has been staked onto hotkeys. Alphaout can refer to _all of the alpha staked, or to the alpha being staked to a specific wallet. Examples: Subnet 37 has 4,000 alpha out. I have 100 alpha out staked from subnet 16.
Exchange rate:
This is defined by the ratio of tao_in/alpha_in - the assets in the liquidity pool.
Liquidity pool/Subnet pool:
Each subnet will have a liquidity pool where tao can be exchaged for alpha. The ratio of tao/alpha in the liquidity pool defines the tao/alpha exchange rate.
The tao in the subnet liquidity pool
Updated about 1 month ago